Summer Crimes

In late 2001 and early 2002, Collective Unconscious assisted the community youth group “Whistling In The Dark” by auspicing their Summer Crimes project. Written and directed by Marlene O'Dea, this was a visually stunning show that included a brilliant soundscape by Andrew Gibson. Summer Crimes was performed at the Blue Room Theatre in February 2002 as part of the Perth Fringe Festival. Funding was provided by the West Australian Community Arts Network (CAN) through their Catalyst program.

About The Show

Inspired by the writings of Marguerite Duras, Summer Crimes is the tale of two lovers once fascinated by the East. New countries are not unlike new loves in which we seek and explore unmarked terrains, crossing borders. Summer Crimes is a meditation on relationships where ghosts of the present encounter ghosts of the past.


Special thanks to:


Glass Castle Studios

Kateryna Longley

Prof. Vijey Mishra

Andrew Duncan

Cheryl Miller

Eli Fletcher Saris

Scot Trenorden


This production was made possible through the assistance of Murdoch University, Community Arts Network, The Blue Room, and auspiced by Collective Unconscious.